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School: Village Power 2000 Team Bolivia Porvenir • Quest 1: Avisos Regulares • Task 01: Avisos
updated 1/14/2001 5:10:00 PM by Director de Porvenir
Report: Sep 30: II Festival Artistico La Juventud Moviendo al Mundo

On Friday, Team Bolivia was fortunate to meet Gabriela Eguino, Coordinator of Liderazgo Juvenil para el Servico al Bien Común, who invited the team to the second annual Festival Artistico La Juventud Moviendo al Mundo on Saturday. In an afternoon of music, dance, art and theater, youth from ten schools in Santa Cruz demonstrated their commitment to community service in a service project that was organized by Gabriela and other students at Universidad Nur.

The ten participating schools are: El "Modulo" Arenal, Adela Zamudio, Ramón Darío Gutierrez, Kurt Richter, Wenceslao Montero, Municipal 3 de Mayo, Mirtha Vizcarra, Luís Espinal, Mamerto Oyola, and Yolanda Prada.

Upon the arrival of guests, several students provided guided tours, presenting a detailed overview of their program. To put the program in perspective, this very professional tour guide stressed that the program's objective is not to produce people who think they are leaders by manipulating, intimidating, patronizing or being a know-it-all, but to engender the quality of leadership through direct experience by working in groups. Everyone learns leadership in a democratic framework, and leadership tasks are shared.

Colorful costumes, dynamic music and well-choreographed dancing happened all through the afternoon and into the evening.

This mural illustrates a metaphor of the old, decayed city, which youth must first tear down to build anew.

One of the many impressive presentations was a dance by a group of students adorned in spectacular costumes, as this photo demonstrates.


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