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School: 2004 - AC - AUDIT COORDINATION • Quest AC / COM - 101: COMMERCIAL AUDIT 1 • Task COM - 101 -: AUDIT
updated 9/16/2003 3:55:00 PM by Berenice N.
Report: task 101
INPUTS CHECKLIST COMMERCIAL STORE IVAN BUENAÑO COMMERCIAL TARIFF MEASURING CODIGO 377 N # 16524 (PHOTO 601) The Store of Mr. Ivan Buenaño this with buildings to the sides, the main entrance this to the East (photos 600), Raisin the Av. Alsacio Nortia,es a street very journeyed in the morning and the night is smaller the affluence of I deal. The Store has square form, In the second floor is the house and the ground floor is the store, to the entrance We have a green awning 4 square meters that covers with the sun, soon we happened direct to the store where we found 1 refrigeradora, and 4 freezers a television upon the display cabinet freezer, and an equipment of music in a bookcase. At this moment the single store this operating with 50% of its capacity corresponding to the freezers. (Photo 359, 360, 365, 366.367), this store sells meat, fish between basic Foods, but at this moment they do not have money to be able to sell with the capacity that did it before. The Ceiling within the store is of cement, here we found located the center, and lamp florecentes, also this in the ceiling the ventilator with a center dentro.(Photo 361). The windows that we found in facade one, are of transparent glass with aluminum to the sides, and has grates, and by hand left we found an aluminum door with a glass (Photo 603). In facade two we can observe another window of same the characteristics of facade one, but there is a wall in front of the glass where luz(Foto does not let penetrate much 602). With respect to the electrical systems for the equipment we found cables that are at sight and patches with tape, (Photo 363, 364). The measurer this without cover that covers break, and wires one upon another one (Photo 601). In the part of back of the store we found a tank with its water pump, this located underneath cement launching slips and can see cables that surround to him to the pump, use 8 hours diarias(Photo 371, 372). The ceiling is of ardex(ternil)se sees old and nonserious very surely to put there the solar paddles (Photo 604). Notes: The store has many is yet accumulated, for example painting, podria to recommend the owners here, who I am located another sector for those things (Photo 369, 370)? I believe that people do not become aware much when having exhibited cables and mainly in badly been is dangerous, here would be possible to be taught like hacerlo.? The floor that we found is of floor tile, stuck with cement, sun does not enter the premises, and the floor maintains to him fresh, is not hot.

File Attachment: INPUTS_CHECKLIST_ivan_Buenaño.doc

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